Authorized SITH® Information

Thank you for your interest in IZI LLC sponsored Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®).
IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH® was developed by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa’au. The Hawaii State Legislature and the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii honored Morrnah for her work and expertise in the Hawaiian language and culture by naming her a “Living Treasure of Hawai’i” in 1983.

When we are willing to take 100% responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds.

The updated IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process provides “a step-by-step approach to achieving Peace, Balance and a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self-I-Dentity.” The article ”Who’s in Charge?” is posted on the website and there are several tools included at the end of the article which you may be inspired to begin using.

There are many SITH® tools you may begin using as a way to apply your Ho’oponopono process. Please see the IZI LLC website including the Who’s in Charge article, newsletter,  testimonials and free videos to get you started on the cleaning. The Newsletter page has several new cleaning tools given at the end and beginning of the New Year: 2022 Year End Gift, 2022 New Year Message, and 2021 New Year Message:

On The Foundation of I, Inc., Freedom of the Cosmos (FOI) website ( see this note:/

The following 2 prayers, the”I” am the “I” prayer and the Peace of “I ” prayers are given as gifts from the FOI permission to used as inspired.

We invite you to participate in the ONLINE SITH® classes and the In Person SITH® classes (as they become available). The ONLINE SITH® Ho’oponopono instruction will be the same as the IN PERSON Classes. You will receive the full class materials…..being in the same room is not necessary for you to receive the information.

The IZI LLC schedule will be posted as approved. You may sign up on the IZI LLC HOME PAGE, under “About Us” and then “Join our Mailing List” to receive flyers and the announcement about 2024 classes being posted.

For information on scheduled classes, see the Complete Schedule page:

You may contact the IZI LLC Coordinator on a specific class for more information:

For more information on the Instructors, see the Instructor bios and videos:

For information on our Facebook Page:

As a reminder, all materials for the classes are copyrighted and may not be shared without written permission. Those authorized to teach IZI LLC sponsors (SITH®) classes are listed on the website under Authorized IZI LLC Coordinators and Instructors.

The following websites and information have also been approved to use as inspired:

Bingboard Consulting LLC, Home of KR Foods That Breathe™

Products, Books and Consultation services:

These products are unique inspirations based on Self Identity through Ho’oponopono®. They are made available to mankind for the first time since the beginning of creation. Each product fulfills the prime purpose of our existence ~ to mend our thoughts back to nothing, leaving our minds free to be one with the Divine Source again. And in this oneness, experience absolute love, purpose, clarity, and joy.

The Blue Ice Rainbow series is a series of books on the use and application of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®), an ancient Hawaiian problem solving method, updated by Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. SITH® can be used by any individual to release stress and bring about freedom and balance. Each Book is a compilation of discussions from an ongoing radio program called MsKr SITH® Conversations between Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len about SITH®. Throughout the series these two practitioners discuss how SITH®, as a way of life, has transformed their lives through moment-by-moment cleaning and what they do when problems arise.

Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono® Consultation Service applies the Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process as updated by Morrnah N. Simeona. The consultation involves using the Ho’oponopono process.

MsKr radio, books and products: Sharing our experience of Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono®, Kamaile Rafaelovich, with special guests, Host Keala Rafalovich and Loke Freedman, Producer for MsKr SITH® Conversations

The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos Prayers: 28 translations: The 2 prayers: “I” AM THE “I” prayer and The PEACE OF “I” prayer are given as a gift from The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos. Please feel free to use these 2 prayers as you are inspired with The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos permission.

IZI LLC sponsors SITH® class Manuals Basic I Manuals and Tool Menus may be ordered  by review students

at this address (allow at least 2-6 weeks for delivery):Basic I Manual and Tool Menu:

Japan Products Website:
Korea Products Website:
Taiwan/China Products Website:

SITH® Ho’oponopono Asia:


Wishing you, your family, relatives and ancestors Peace beyond all understanding,

Mary Koehler- My Wild Irish Rose, IZI LLC Master Coordinator & Master Instructor
Office Hours: Mon- Thurs 8 am – 3 pm PST

IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process.



No guarantee whatsoever is made to anyone by The Foundation of I, Inc Freedom of the Cosmos, its founder, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, IZI LLC, Ho’akamai LLC, Bingboard Consulting LLC, Paddy ‘0, LLC, and their founders, employees, volunteers, sponsors, coordinators and instructors, or by the Divinity, the “I”, that the system of stress release and self-identity known as Ho`oponopono including, but not limited to, all meditations, visualizations, decrees, cleansings, spiritual healings and protections embodied in this book will yield specific results or desired outcomes at anytime.

The functioning of the Ho`oponopono process in conjunction with universal and cosmic laws is a direct experience between each individual, his or her own tri-une self and the Divinity, the “I”. Karma and Divine Providence must be the final arbiter of each one’s application of the Ho`oponopono process. Each individual can only be a witness to his or her own personal healing, cleansing and protections of body, mind and spirit through the use of disciplines and processes herewith. The practice of proof of the Ho`oponopono process rests with the individual as each may prove or disprove the power of Ho`oponopono for himself or herself.
