The Foundation of I, Inc Freedom of the Cosmos Book Series

Dewdrops of Wisdom
Dewdrops of Wisdom is a collection of meditations and
inspirations from Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and other SITH® practitioners.
Around 1983 Morrnah asked all those participating in The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos work to submit two stories for publication. She shared her meditation from Divinity directing us to compile these stories for our own benefit and Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® students to follow. She shared that future generations will appreciate this work. Morrnah approved all stories submitted for the first printing in 1984. We are grateful to share these precious books with humanity.
“Within you lies the essence of creation, the key that enables you to be attuned with all of life, with every atom and molecule of creation. With this key you can choose to create peace, understanding, love and abundance, first with yourself, secondly, with your family and thirdly with the community and the Universe. It is only through this key that you will be able to experience life peacefully, reverently, humbly and in the spirit of love….so come now into the haven of your heart. Let the Dewdrops of Wisdom be a passage into the core of your being.” From Preface of Dewdrops of Wisdom.
$30.00 USD

Seasons of the Mind
Seasons of the Mind is a collection of applications of the SITH® process from Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and other SITH® practitioners.
Around 1983 Morrnah asked all those participating in The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos work to submit two stories for publication. She shared her meditation from Divinity directing us to compile these stories for our own benefit and Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® students to follow. She shared that future generations will appreciate this work. Morrnah approved all stories submitted for the first printing in 1984. We are grateful to share these precious books with humanity.
“Seasons of the Mind is about freedom. It is being whole, peaceful and unshackled, moment by moment. It is freedom from hurtful, painful and stressful memories of the mind that cause dis-ease in the body, soul and spirit….those who have shared their wonderful stories in this book were able to free themselves through Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian process of rebalancing, correcting, and tapping the powers of the Mind. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a native Hawaiian, has up-dated this old pratice for today’s people.” From Preface of Seasons of the Mind
$30.00 USD
"I" AM THE "I"
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